Saturday, September 21, 2013

What is broken links?

I published a post on how to fix and redirect broken links. My today's post is about what broken link is and why broken link is created. At first, let's know about broken links.

What is broken links?

We always publish post in blog. Suppose, you published a post in your blog. Later you decided to change your post tile. When you change your post title a new link creates. But the previous link of the page prevails in the search engine. When you or visitors visit the page according to the first link, search result show that this page is not found. It is called broken link. Besides, you can delete any post. But, the url will be in the search engine. If anyone visits, it cannot be shown by the search engine. It's also called broken link.

It is said that no site are there in which more or less broken link are available. Publishers should always check broken links. It can be check after a definite time. This time may be after 1 weak, 15 days, 1 month etc. 

My experience about broken links:

Once I posted a post in my blog. The post title was ‘How to fix and redirect broken links’. Then it was set automatic permalink. A automatic url was created according to the post title. The url was I created an some internal links. One month later, I decided to edit my post title. My edited post title was ‘How Can Easily Finding And Redirecting Broken Link’. The url was automatically changed according to my new post title. It was Few days later after doing this, I saw that whenever I clicked the previous post, the search result was 404 not found. Thus, I realized that how and why broken links are created. Later I decided to remove some broken links and some of them I decided to redirect with the existing related links.

The main reasons of creating broken links: There are some reasons of creating broken links. The main reasons are narrated below:

1. Changing post url:

Changing post url is the main reasons of creating broken links problem. Search engine always indexes the post url after publishing any post. But if any post url is changed/edited, the previous url is still in the search engine. If anyone searches according to the previous post, he/she never finds out the post because the link has already become as a broken link. When a post is published, most of the time we forget to use custom permalink option. Because, if we use this option, we can create a url as our own. Otherwise, a automatic url is created. When we change the title a automatic url is created. Thus, a broken link creates.

2. Deleting post:

If any post is deleted from the site, broken link is created for this. Sometimes, we delete post but we do not remove or delete it from the search engine. If any user bookmarks it, and later he/she find it, the result will 404 not found. Thus a site becomes a useless site for the users.

3. Other site’s url Changing problem:

Sometimes, we create back links with other's site. These site might change/delete/disappear entirely. Thus a broken links might create. Therefore, publisher should always maintain and find broken links This kind of changing, we have nothing to do because other site’s are out of our control.

3 ways of solving broken links problem:

You can solve the problem of broken links in 3 ways. 

(1) You can redirect broken links with existing broken links. It is better for your site. 

(2) You can redirect broken links with home page of your site in case of no related links available in your site. But it is a actually a good idea.

(3) You can delete/remove broken links from the search result and it is better than to redirect with home page.

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